AUSA Welcome Back Week
Daily social events to jumpstart the year

“Our guiding principle for AUSA this year is the Love Chapter of 1 Corinthians 13,” says Jason Shockey, president of the Andrews University Student Association for the 2015-16 school year.
Though Shockey admits this may seem a little strange, it’s based on feedback they’ve heard from students over their time here on campus.
“We hear a lot about being an approachable AUSA or a financially responsible AUSA,” he explains, “but we really think that an AUSA who truly loves the students we serve will be the team that truly makes an impact.”
The two goals Shockey and his team have for this year are to connect the diverse student body through social and religious events, and to inspire Andrews to serve as a reflection of Jesus and His love to the community.
“This year our team hopes that students at Andrews realize that we are united in our diversity and that our campus truly becomes more like a family,” says Shockey. “Also, we are striving that the people in our community will see Andrews as an epicenter from which God’s love emanates and a place where that love is turned into tangible action.”
As part of the first goal—connecting students through a variety of events and activities—AUSA has planned a collection of Welcome Back Week events for the first week of classes, August 23-29. The week began with a fireworks show on Sunday evening and will continue with the following:
Monday, August 24
7:30 p.m.
Water Balloon Fight & Movie
Flag Mall
Meet AUSA on the Flag Mall in front of James White Memorial Library to help toss 1,500 water balloons in an epic water fight. Then join your soaking wet schoolmates for “Space Jam” in the Rec Center Amphitheatre in the Campus Center.
Tuesday, August 25
7:30-9 p.m.
Christmas in August
Campus Center
Enjoy holiday themed activities in the Campus Center, minus all the cold we usually associate with Christmas. There will be Christmas cookie decorating, Christmas carol karaoke, and hot chocolate and cider.
Wednesday, August 26
7:30-8:30 p.m.
Speed Friending
Rec Center (Campus Center)
You’ve got a minute to win it—a friend, that is! Timed interactions mean you make the most of your conversation, making new friends as you introduce yourself and meet new people.
Thursday, August 27
7:30 p.m.
Class Softball Game
Baseball Diamond
Take on the other classes and root for your classmates in this classic game.
Friday, August 28
9-11 p.m.
AUSA Bonfire
Alumni House
Enjoy s'mores, singing and fellowshipping with your fellow students as we welcome the Sabbath around a roaring fire on the lawn behind the Alumni House.
Saturday, August 29
9-11 p.m.
Life-Sized Game Night
Center Campus (between Campus Center & the ULC)
Meet AUSA on the lawn between the Campus Center and Nethery & Buller Halls for life-sized games under the stars.