Raise Your Country's Flag in Homecoming Ceremony
Fri, September 25, 2015 @ 04:30 pm - 07:30 pm

We invite YOU to be a part of TWO Andrews traditions! Whether you are proud of your international roots, served as a missionary outside the U.S. or are currently part of our international student body, we invite you to participate in any or all of these meaningful Alumni Homecoming events on Friday, September 25. You’re welcome and encouraged to bring your family along to participate.
ONE—5:00 p.m. Carry an international flag in Alumni Homecoming Parade. Flags will be distributed from the IMC driveway at 4:30 p.m. Line-up is at 4:30 p.m. in the PMC parking lot.
TWO—6:30 p.m. International Flag-Raising. Represent our international campus during this annual ceremony. If you are already participating in the parade, you may take your flag directly to the ceremony. Alternately, sign up to obtain a flag and organize near the library steps at 6:15 p.m sharp!
Send your response to Rebecca May at IMC, 471-3322 or imc@andrews.edu, or intercampus mail.
YES! I’d like to participate in the -
I will represent the country of _________________(see flag list on reverse side of this form)
Contact me by e-mail______________or phone_________________ to confirm my participation.
Name ____________________________ Individual? Family? (Circle one)
Rebecca May