Andrews Speaks 004: Dr. Bernard Taylor
Dr. Taylor describes his experience in biblical translation

In the fourth episode of the Andrews Speaks podcast, Dr. Bernard Taylor shares about his career in ministry and biblical translation.
Dr. Taylor is research professor in Septuagint Studies in the Loma Linda University School of Religion. Over his career, he has been a pastor in New Zealand and Australia as well as at the Loma Linda University Church. He earned a BA in biblical studies from Avondale College in Australia, an MA in biblical languages from Andrews University, and a PhD in Hebraic Studies from Hebrew Union College. He has published extensively on biblical translation, including the "Analytical Lexicon to the Septuagint," published by Hendrickson in 2009.
The presentation was given at an Andrews University vespers co-sponsored by the J.N. Andrews Honors Program and the Office of Research & Creative Scholarship.
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Our theme music is “Onward” by Podington Bear, and it was accessed at the Free Music Archive.
Jeff Boyd