Andrews Speaks Podcast: Bill Wolfer, Failure
Bill Wolfer reflects on the role of failure in preparing us for success

In this episode Bill Wolfer argues that failure is an important part of the learning process, an unavoidable feature of the road to success.
Bill Wolfer is an assistant professor of computer science, chair of the Department of Computing, and director of the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Also in this episode, Carlisle Sutton is back with another video for the World Changers 360 segment. Rather than showcasing a program by a campus group, this video is a message from Seventh-day Adventist General Conference President, Elder Ted Wilson. He thanks the Andrews community for service to humanity as an expression of faith, and he also encourages us to continue searching for creative ways to bless others in our local community and around the world.
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This presentation on creativity, failure and success is the final episode of Season 2 of the Andrews Speaks podcast. Thank you for listening to this season as we addressed a number of important issues—change, mental and physical health, science and faith, environmental activism, racial injustice, and creativity. We'll see you again soon for Season 3!
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