AA: Tradition of Mizpah Continued

While this may not have been the end of year we had imagined, we want to thank all of you again for your continued support and for journeying with us through this school year. At the end of every year, we have an AA tradition of reciting the Mizpah.
The Mizpah has been used many times throughout history to symbolize that what is important in life is goodness, kindness, and the courage to be understanding. Mizpah has also become a part of Andrews Academy's end-of-the-year events. Since 1992 when Dr. James Nash first introduced this symbolic ceremony, a list of names of all the students in the school for that year has been placed in the Mizpah vault located in the theme wall of the Academy Commons. It is the school's way of presenting to God the entire Academy student body and faculty from not only this year, but for every year since 1979, when the building was opened. By placing the names in the vault, we are placing each person in God's hands with a prayer that each person will reunite together when Jesus returns to take us to Heaven.
Although we weren’t together, we have kept the tradition and legacy going by placing all the student names in our vault.
Although we did not walk out of this building together, we know the student body, faculty, and staff that comprised the 2019-2020 will never be together again. Life is short. Life is not certain. With the threat of this COVID-19, this is even more evident. Make a covenant to yourselves and your friends and family that no matter what happens, you will strive to live the principles of the Mizpah - goodness, kindness, and understanding. As you read the words of the Mizpah below, let it be a covenant for all in front of God to be joined together again with Jesus when He comes.
“The Lord watch between me and thee,
when we are absent
one from another.”
Jeannie Leiterman