AA: Virtual Graduation for the Class of 2020

The Andrews Academy Class of 2020 had a unique graduation, as have most, if not all, of the graduates this year due to COVID-19. The class sponsors, Rich Aguilera, and members of the class, as well as others, put together a virtual graduation. The videos included parent tributes, special musics, awards, speakers, messages from faculty and staff, laughter, tears, and even a last journey down the halls of AA. This unique class will never forget their last quarter of school at AA or their graduation.
Class of 2020, we wish you all the very best and invite you to come back to visit us when you can!
Sabbath School & Parent Tributes
"It Is Well" by AA & RMES Music Departments
"Goodbye, My Friend" by Silhouettes
"Standing By My Side" by Emma Hamel
Jeannie Leiterman