SAID Alumni Zoom Open House
Global Celebration of Andrews Event
Sat, September 26, 2020 @ 03:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Alumni from the School of Architecture & Interior Design are invited to a special open house on Zoom at 3 p.m. EDT this coming Sabbath afternoon, Sept. 26. Visit with fellow alumni and faculty/staff from the SAID program, from wherever you are around the globe! See for more information on how to participate in the Zoom session.
This event is part of the Global Celebration of Andrews, a weekend filled with virtual events (including webinars, a Virtual 5k, livestreamed campus tour and much more!) to celebrate our alumni and University. Don't miss the "Celebrate AU: Re-experience Andrews" video feature on Saturday evening at 7 p.m. to see more from the School of Architecture & Interior Design in addition to hearing Andrews updates and re-discovering campus through video. Learn more about the weekend and view the full schedule of events at
Related Website(s):
School of Architecture & Interior Design/Office of Alumni Services