Want to Make a Difference as a Grow Group Leader?

I’ve got some really bad news. This pandemic has hollowed a lot of people out. Because of isolation, many are feeling more depressed and anxious than ever before. Which is why, more than ever before, we need people just like you to help others engage in community.
A great way to do that is by leading a Grow Group this semester. This is a small group ministry on the campus where you can make new friends, share in a passion, and help others grow in their faith.
Basically, you can take something you’re passionate about and turn it into a Grow group.
What if through you leading a racquetball group, or leading a discussion group on how to handle stress or leading a weekly Bible study on the book of Mark, someone’s life could be transformed?
So, I’d like to challenge you to prayerfully consider leading a group this semester. I believe you'll be incredibly blessed in the process.
For more information or to register your group, head over to pmchurch.org/grow or you can reach out to growgroups@pmchurch.org. The deadline to register your group is January 21.