"Egypt and the Bible" -- A Lecture

   Religion & Biblical Languages
   Tue, November 1, 2022 @ 07:00 pm - 08:15 pm
    Buller Auditorium
You are invited to participate in the presentation "Egypt and the Bible" by L.S. Baker, associate director, Andrews University Press, in preparation for the upcoming Bible Lands Study Tour 2023. The lecture is on the importance of Egypt civilization, religion and power and the Bible.
Invite your friends!
For the pilgrim participants in the summer Bible Lands Study Tour this meeting counts as one of the 3M - Monthly Mandatory Meetings. Come, bring your friends and the completed Application Package along with the paid receipt of your registration (at "AU-Finances").
Stephanie Carpenter, chair, professor of history, Department of History & Political Science
Marlene Murray, professor, graduate program coordinator, Department of Biology
L.S. Baker, associate director, Andrews University Press
Rubén Muñoz-Larrondo, associate professor, Department of Religion & Biblical Languages

Sponsors: Departments of History & Political Science, Biology and Religion & Biblical Languages
Related Website(s): https://www.andrews.edu/cas/religion/study_tours/bible-lands-study-tour-2023.html

   Ruben Munoz-Larrondo