Canadian Brass to Perform & Lead Master Class
On Sunday, Jan. 28, at 7 p.m.

Canadian Brass (courtesy of Canadian Brass).
The Canadian Brass will perform in the main auditorium of the Howard Performing Arts Center (HPAC) on the campus of Andrews University on Sunday, Jan. 28, at 7 p.m. After more than 40 years of recording and performing with an evolving set of band members, the Canadian Brass has built a reputation as one of the best groups across various instrumental genres.
They have performed classical works, marches, holiday music, ragtime, jazz, Latin, Broadway and Christian music, with over 130 albums available worldwide via online catalogs like Spotify and Apple Music. Their versatile selections of music throughout the years have made them a timeless wonder in the world of live instrumental performances.
In addition to the evening concert, current members Chuck Daellenbach on tuba, Achilles Liarmakopoulos on trombone, Jeff Nelsen on French horn and trumpeters Joe Burgstaller and Ashley Hall-Tighe, will also present a free master class at 1 p.m. on the day of the concert. The master class will also take place in the main auditorium of the Howard Performing Arts Center, and tickets are not required to attend. The five performers will discuss their careers, performances, techniques and other educational topics.
Tickets can be purchased at Prices are $30 for general admission before taxes and fees, $10 for children age five or younger, and $18 for students (limit two tickets per student ID). For more information, contact the Howard Box Office at 269-471-3560.