Celebrating the Sabbath With Joy
Experience the joy and peace of the Sabbath!

The Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary invites you to a special evening of worship, fellowship and spiritual enrichment. Celebrate the Sabbath Together! Experience the joy and peace of the Sabbath as we come together to sing, pray and study God's Word. Enjoy delightful food and the inspiring atmosphere.
Upcoming Meeting: Our second gathering will be on Friday, Oct. 11, at 6 p.m. We will begin with refreshments, followed by a special program. Richard Davidson, senior research professor, will deliver a sermon about the Day of Atonement and its significance for Christians.
Mark your calendars and bring a friend! We look forward to sharing this special evening with you.
Sponsored by Seminary Student Forum and NAD Jewish Ministries.
Related Website(s): https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0HiTgUWnZK9RCDk2SUbNieRXVbiFg4U5mzmRU1jgomn66gPS1X2JWJFU1Cs5Eu7upl&id=61565471063478
Daniel Gordan