Andrews University Agenda News and Events at Andrews University en-us Copyright 2025, Andrews University Thu, 13 Mar 2025 18:29:00 +0000 Thu, 13 Mar 2025 18:29:00 +0000 A Call to Care Well <p> Greetings, students,<br /> <br /> We&rsquo;ve been journeying with students experiencing questions, concerns and stress related to several executive actions relating to immigration status (at the end of this letter, there are resources) that may impact their families and communities. You may be one of the students experiencing this kind of stress. If this is you, please know that we&rsquo;ve been praying and claiming God&rsquo;s promise,</p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> &ldquo;Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand&rdquo; (Isaiah 41:10).</p> <p> If you are a student feeling overwhelmed for any reason, please know that the chaplains are available and have a legal obligation to exercise privileged confidentiality, which means they can&rsquo;t share anything you share in confidence with anyone.<br /> <br /> As the president noted in an email earlier this week, Andrews University is a global campus. This is the one place on this planet that gives you the most complete picture of what it means to be part of a church as inclusive as the Seventh-day Adventist Church with over 20 million members.<br /> <br /> God assures us that until he returns, the Holy Spirit is with us to comfort and guide us, and in fact, God also calls us to be vessels of care for others, in and outside of the Adventist family:</p> <p style="margin-left: 40px;"> Romans 12:13: &ldquo;Share with the Lord&rsquo;s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Galatians 6:2: &ldquo;Carry each other&rsquo;s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Philippians 2:3-4: &quot;Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility, consider others more important than yourselves. Everyone should look not to his own interests but rather to the interests of others.&quot;</p> <p> As you encounter friends or strangers, prayerfully ask God to show you how your interaction can encourage and comfort them.<br /> <br /> You may be wondering what is expected of us, specifically as a student of Andrews University. And what can you expect from Andrews University with the various changes being announced?<br /> <br /> These are reasonable questions to have. I understand that the University administration is working on Andrews University guidelines and protocols on what to do if a federal agent approaches you or an employee.<br /> <br /> Additionally, review current expectations for student conduct in the handbook <a href=";navoid=1303" target="_blank">here</a>.<br /> <br /> Here are a few resources:</p> <ol> <li> You can anonymously share your questions and concerns about the potential impact of the executive orders on the immigration and deportation process to your University experience or any other issue impacting your University experience <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. The University administration may not know what is important for you to know, so let them know.</li> <li> According to the <a href=";navoid=5184&amp;hl=privacy&amp;returnto=search">Student Handbook</a>, you can request to refuse to permit the dissemination of your directory information, and that link shares how.</li> <li> If you have questions related to your VISA status, please visit the International Student Services office or email them at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>. Here&rsquo;s a message they recently shared: <a href=";utm_source=agenda-2025-01-30" target="_blank">international student visas</a>.</li> <li> Contact the chaplains or the Counseling &amp; Testing Center if you feel overwhelmed and stressed; they are legally obligated to keep it confidential.</li> <li> If you want to learn skills about how to navigate life, especially when working through trauma, there&rsquo;s a practical workshop happening soon, titled &ldquo;Thriving Through Trauma.&rdquo; More information can be found&nbsp;<a href=";utm_source=agenda-2025-01-30" target="_blank">here</a>.</li> <li> Remember, you have various student associations and student clubs that you can ask to help communicate questions and concerns to the University administration.</li> <li> Get informed: several credible resources exist about what to do if an Immigration and Customs Officer approaches you online.</li> </ol> <p> I know this doesn&rsquo;t answer all of your questions, and I&rsquo;m sure you have questions we may not even know. So please submit your questions and concerns in the form I shared above so the University can help respond to them.<br /> <br /> Jesus told us that we will face many troubles in this world. And in the same breath, He said to fear not because He has overcome the world. Until the day he comes again in the clouds, let&rsquo;s make sure that the fellowship of Christ&rsquo;s followers embodies the heart of God in all we do. May our love for one another and God expel fear from our midst.<br /> <br /> Love is Life&mdash;John 3:16<br /> <br /> <strong>Jos&eacute; Bourget</strong><br /> <em>Assistant Vice President for Faith Engagement<br /> University Chaplain</em></p> Mon, 03 Feb 2025 21:00:49 +0000 Volunteers Needed: Christmas Behind Bars <p> <span font-size:="" segoe="" style="color: rgb(5, 5, 5); font-family: " ui="" white-space-collapse:="">We are looking for 300 students, families and community members to help us pack 8,000 packages for a Christmas Behind Bars project that will send care packages and encouraging literature to incarcerated individuals. Join us on Sunday, Oct. 27. Use this <a href="">link</a> to sign up.&nbsp;</span></p> Thu, 10 Oct 2024 11:18:40 +0000 Deeper Roots Bible Study <p> Come join us for an amazing Holy Spirit-led and prayer-saturated Bible study. Journey with us as we commune with God in scripture. This is a Christ-centered study geared toward learning how to cultivate intimacy in our relationship with God, learning how to apply scripture to our lives, and navigating real life issues like emptiness, depression, anxiety, capacity, addictions, etc. Light snacks and fellowship to follow.</p> Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:40:51 +0000 Kinetic Worship <p> This Spring 2024 semester, the theme for Kinetic Worship is <strong>&ldquo;Jesus is _____.&rdquo; </strong>We are going to dive into Jesus&rsquo; &ldquo;I am&rdquo; statements and explore Him as King, High Priest, Messiah, etc. Ultimately, we want to understand more about Christ&rsquo;s authority, kingship and priesthood in our lives and the riches we have available to us in Him because of our new identity as redeemed sons and daughters of God. We will be taking a Jesus-centered journey through scripture, and our hope is that the Lord will ignite a fiery passion in the hearts of everyone on the Andrews University campus (and online) so that people can experience Jesus, the Gospel and radical transformation of heart. We hope that you will see and hear scripture like you&rsquo;ve never seen or heard it before! It is our prayer that through dynamic worship, powerful Christ-centered messages and loving fellowship, people will leave with faith on fire for Jesus because hope has been restored and they are able to see a clearer picture of who Jesus is and who they are in Him.&nbsp;</p> Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:40:29 +0000 New Life Worship Service, Dec. 3 <p> New Life is a worship experience where you can experience Christ, change and community.</p> Fri, 02 Dec 2022 19:03:38 +0000 New Life Fellowship, Nov. 26 <p> New Life Fellowship will resume on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 11:45 a.m.</p> Fri, 25 Nov 2022 08:34:37 +0000 New Life Sabbath School <p> This New Life Sabbath School class is for faculty, staff and community members. Join us for a robust conversation.</p> Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:40:21 +0000 Chai Night: Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. <p> Join us for &quot;Chai Night,&quot; featuring Kevin Wilson, Cross Culture Christian, as he shares his story and creates his masterpiece chai for us to experience at a Chai Cafe, where Kevin's Cross Culture Merchandise will be available for the first time!&nbsp;</p> <p> *VIP experience available; be part of the program and create chai with Kevin during the program for $18. *Limited edition mug included.&nbsp;</p> <p> Tickets available in the Campus Center at the SM booth from 10 a.m.&ndash;2 p.m. Monday&ndash;Friday. *Like and follow the Student Missions Club @austudentmissions.</p> <p> This event is hosted by and a fundraiser for the Student Missions Club.</p> Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:36:51 +0000