EndNote Workshop for students
Come learn how to create bibliographies and organize references easily and efficiently for your research. You are welcome to bring your laptop if you like. This is hands-on workshop.
Come learn how to create bibliographies and organize references easily and efficiently for your research. You are welcome to bring your laptop if you like. This is hands-on workshop.
Laern how to organize references and create bibliographies easily and efficiently for your research. This will be a hands-on workshop. You are welcome to bring your laptop if you like.
Nvivo will help you organize and manage qualitative and mixed methods research.
Location: James White Library Instruction Lab
Questions? Please contact: 269-471-3283
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr holiday, the library will be open as follows:
James White Library Christmas Break hours. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
In order to faciltate students' preparation for the final exams, the Main library will be open extended hours shown. We wish all our students success in their finals.