Sometimes in my life, I have to ask the question, “What’s my priority?” This question is something we all can benefit from asking. If you were to make a list, what would be present at the top of that list? Not what should be at the top but, realistically thinking, what do you tend to prioritize more? Each week, those who have iPhones receive a notification of their screen time. It is very interesting to see what apps we spend most of our time on. I sometimes ask myself, “How much time do I spend with Jesus?” This question is not to create a checklist that I have to follow but rather it is out of an expression of love. The truth is we spend time with those we love.
One of my favorite things to do is to spend time with my closest friends. Nothing needs to be planned; I just want to be in the presence of the people I love. Many of you can relate by wanting to be around friends, family, partners, and many others. It is not because of what they can do for you, it is simply because of how much you love them. Why can’t it be the same way for God? God is someone we love so much. We sing how much we love Him, we talk about how much we love Him–let's take that love to the next step and actively make time to spend with Him. Although it can be difficult at times, as the stresses of college may cause obstacles, it is truly worth it.
Time with Christ in Bible study and prayer
Is time that nothing else can compare
With Him, I can relax and ease my pain
With Him, I’ll never be the same
When I’m near Him, He gives me peace from above
When in his presence, I am surrounded with His love
Oh more time I wish we had
How much more to our lives that would add
Jesus, help me to make you my number one
Because I’d rather you there than just anyone
-Chase Wilder
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.