Terika Williams (senior, Spanish and English)
Currently studying at Escuela Superior de Español de Sagunto in Sagunto, Spain
Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) provides students with the opportunity to take courses that can complete degree requirements, while exploring foreign countries and participating in a variety of cultural activities. For those studying or majoring in a foreign language, it’s encouraged as a great way to get immersed in culture and become more proficient in language studies. There are Adventist colleges taking part in this program in Argentina, Austria, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Spain, and Taiwan, providing an exciting way to travel and learn abroad. Below one of our own AU students shares her current experience of studying abroad.
Why did you choose to study abroad with the ACA program?
I chose to study in Spain because I want to be fluent in Spanish and Spain was the only option available. More than that though, I wanted the opportunity to expand my worldview and be able to help people. Immigrants in America are not specifically catered to. We always hear stories of Hispanic Americans learning English to speak to us instead of us trying to learn Spanish to speak to them. I've wanted to study abroad since my freshman year of high school so this is a dream come true for me.
What has been your favorite experience in Spain so far?
Gaining clarity. I've been studying Spanish since middle school and there are some concepts that I am finally understanding and it feels amazing. It's also cool to meet different people from all walks of life. We have some pretty cool people here.
What are some difficulties you have faced?
A difficulty I've had is grasping how big a language is. I guess you don't really realize that every word, phrase, saying and more has its equivalent or more in another language, and some days it's kind of overwhelming.
What are some things you have learned through being in a foregin country?
Being an American in a foreign country is extremely humbling. It teaches us that we are not the most important individuals and that there are people living in other places with their own unique lives, situations, family and more.
Has Covid-19 impacted this experience, and if so in what ways?
We haven't been faced with many difficulties so far. God's hand has been guiding us and it is so evident in our day-to-day life. We've been able to travel safely, speak and practice conversations with locals and have in person classes.
Would you recommend the ACA program to other students at Andrews?
I would definitely recommend it to others at Andrews. I'd advise that it's important to use Spanish as much as possible if you want to learn more.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.