As we come to the end of the 2021-2022 school year, I decided to sit down with George Isaac (freshman, biology) to discuss and reflect on his freshman year at Andrews.
How was your first year at Andrews?
Overall, my first year at Andrews has been a really fun experience. I think that spending time with all of the new friends I’ve made over the course of this year is the main reason that I enjoy being here at Andrews. This is also the first year I’ve spent away from home and it’s definitely been an eye-opening experience.
What did you enjoy during your first year at Andrews? What did you not enjoy?
I enjoyed meeting people here, especially during freshman orientation when I would go to Silver Beach and hang out with the new friends that I made throughout the week. I also enjoyed participating in intramurals such as flag football, volleyball, and basketball. One thing that I did not enjoy during my first year at Andrews was the cold weather. I’ve lived in Southern California for my entire life so dealing with the cold winter months in Michigan wasn’t the most enjoyable experience for me.
What things changed for you over the course of the year?
Over the course of the year, a lot of things changed for me because I have never lived independently of my parents so I had to learn how to manage my time and be more responsible. The way that I handle my relationships has also changed since I have a completely new group of friends here while I still try to stay in contact with my old friends and family back at home.
What were some aspects of the college experience that surprised you?
The snow. I obviously knew that it snows during the winter in Michigan, but I didn’t think too much about how I would have to get up early to scrape ice and snow off my car in the mornings or walk to class in the snow and freezing temperatures. An educational aspect that surprised me was that many professors seemed to genuinely care about their students and do whatever they could to help the students in their classes succeed and do well.
What are some important things you learned this year?
I learned that keeping my priorities straight is important because it’s really easy to get distracted when there are so many things constantly going on around you. I also learned from some upperclassmen that making good impressions on professors is important because they will be writing my recommendation letters to graduate schools in the future.
Do you have a favorite memory from this school year?
I would say that my favorite memory from this school year was on a Sabbath afternoon in the fall when I went to Silver Beach and just hung out with a big group of my friends. I think that this is my favorite memory because it was one of the first times that I can remember hanging out with a lot of the people that are now some of my closest friends.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.