Our lives have forever been changed by the spread of the virus Covid-19, with its devastating effects spanning over three years. Even now, the virus and the restrictions its presence has demanded are never far from our thoughts and habits. On the Andrews University campus, these restrictions manifested themselves through the mandatory use of masks, testing when returning to campus grounds, remote learning, social distancing, and limited access to places like the Gazebo. These restrictions kept us safe for the years 2020 to 2022, and limited the spread of this harmful virus to the students and staff of our establishment. But now, as the effects of Covid-19 are lessening, and life is closer to what it was in its pre-Covid era, these restrictions have become much more relaxed.
Strangely enough, even if the threat of Covid is no longer a significantly active one, the habits we have developed over the past three years still occasionally manifest themselves in our daily behavior. For example, most of us relate to the fact that we use hand sanitizer a lot more often than during the pre-Covid era, or that we still have a habit of social distancing in public spaces. Even schools and workplaces have changed their methods to include significantly more online options for homework or meetings. These are just a few of the societal changes brought on by the virus that seem like they will last well beyond the Covid era. Even categorizing society as pre-Covid or post-Covid highlights the impact of the worldwide pandemic on our everyday lives.
In terms of our lives at Andrews University, the habits of students and staff alike have changed drastically with the dropping of the Covid restrictions and guidelines. Vivienne Lupu, (sophomore, social work), expressed her perspective on the removal of the restrictions in this way:
“I like that I can actually see people’s faces. I feel like that has changed the college experience since last year. Everything feels more normal. There are times when I will find myself in a super crowded room, and I think to myself, ‘Oh, this would probably have been more risky a year ago than it is now.’ When I think about the current state of the pandemic, I know that Covid is never going away and that it is still real, but I am happy that the severity has definitely toned down. I still find myself being more conscientious about who I am hanging out with and where I am going as to limit exposure and risks, but based on how the university handled Covid guidelines last year, I trust them enough to know when or if it would be time to bring them back based on rising cases.”
Her view on this topic is also reflected through the perspectives of other students, such as Melissa Moore (sophomore, nutrition). She says, “Personally, I am happy about the changes because I enjoy being able to see full faces again. As of this point in time, I do feel sufficiently safe. I think it's worth noting however that people can wear a mask if they feel more comfortable that way. I hold no judgment toward anyone who chooses to do so.”
Overall, the students seem very happy and thankful for their newfound post-Covid freedom, and have learned the value of a safe and healthy environment, as well as how to maintain it. We hope that the restrictions will be kept to the minimum in the future as the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to lessen, and we are thankful for an institution that has kept us safe and will continue to do so.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.