Everyone has experienced the 2022 Fall Semester differently. The semester has been a happy experience for some, full of new friendships, good grades, and stable mental health. Others have struggled to get up in the morning, to get a passing grade, or to find friends. But finals season is upon us, and that means that nearly everyone is stressed and busy preparing for tests, projects, and presentations.
While most students look forward to the end of the semester, it is not all for the same reason. With mere days left until Christmas break, students share how the previous semester went and their plans for the upcoming break.
“I need a nap, and I’m looking forward to not having uncertain deadlines that come out of the blue with no explanation.”
Siobhán Conyne (junior, speech-pathology)
“I haven’t looked forward to the end of a semester since freshman year.”
T Bruggemann (senior, computer science and physics)
“The semester went ok. The situation with chapel was frustrating. I respect the dorm staff since Lamson is falling apart. The Gazebo and cafeteria people are so nice to give more food options. Over break, I’ll try to cook, do some hobby work, apply to some internships, see my dog, and go for a run, maybe two if I am motivated.”
Nora Martin (junior, English and psychology)
“The semester has gone really well. I’ve been more involved than when I first transferred last year. I’m looking forward to enjoying good food and time with family.”
Ariana Coast Dice (senior, biology)
“I’m looking forward to spending time with family, warmer weather, and time to refocus.”
William Kovach (junior, architecture)
“This semester was ROUGH and long! I am looking forward to it being over and being in the Dominican Republic on the beach with family I haven’t seen in a long time.”
Arleny Aquino, (junior, global studies and Spanish)
“I’m done. The semester has been short, it’s been long, and I’m not sure which one made it worse. But Brazil has been doing ok, at least in the World Cup, so at least that’s something. I’m hoping to spend break in bed.”
Bia Martins (junior, medical laboratory science)
“My semester was good. It was busy because of graduate school applications. Over break, I’m hoping to finish grad school applications and rest up.”
Wesley Martin (senior, physics, computer science, and math studies)
“My semester was busier than I thought it would be. I’m looking forward to the break. I’m planning to travel abroad to see my girlfriend.”
Alex Navarro (senior, math and physics)
“I hope everyone enjoys break and catches up on sleep.”
Alina Weber (sophomore, photography)
“The semester was tiring, but I made some good memories. Over break, I’m going to finalize my Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) applications and rest. I’m looking forward to having access to my home kitchen to cook. I also want to nail down an exercise routine and am looking forward to not having assignments to work on.”
Yoel Kim (junior, physics)
However your semester went, and however you are planning to spend the break, I wish you a productive and stress-free finals week. Here’s to the end of the semester and the start of the break!
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.