Summer: a time for rest, relaxation, and, of course, exploring the world! While some of us may have been working or taking online classes, most of us were able to take some time to escape to a faraway place or even just to the next town over. Some of the things we saw this summer were new, and some were familiar. Let’s see where some of our student body went this summer!
To start us off, I’ll share where I went. This summer, I was privileged to visit my favorite state, Maine. Not only does my dad’s family live there, but so does the ocean. The Atlantic Ocean and the vibes it brings are like no other. While eating Amato’s (a Maine sandwich shop staple), we set sail into the incredible vastness of the ocean. The smell of the salty sea and the breeze is enough to bring tears of joy to your eyes. We also drove up to Portland Headlight which, with its exquisite contrast to the ocean below, is the most photographed lighthouse in America. After a weekend in Maine, my parents and I headed down New York State to the Big Apple. I was able to visit my brother and sister-in-law’s super fashionable and super small New York City apartment. In just five hours, we saw the 9/11 memorial, the Empire State Building, Grand Central Station, Central Park, the Plaza Hotel, and, of course, one rat. Riding the subway was an insane experience, and boy, was it hot underground. But the sights I saw in both Maine and New York City were some I will never forget.
Let’s see what other people did:
Reagan Westerman (sophomore, psychology) had the privilege of going to Ecuador this summer for a study tour. She said, “Ecuador was gorgeous. There [were] a lot of different terrains. While Ecuador is a fairly small country, it was so diverse. You could go from the city to the highlands to the Amazon Rainforest.” She went on to say that she had such a great experience that she will remember it forever. Visiting new places and immersing ourselves in another culture is often so wonderful.
Danny Frederick (junior, computer science) went to Phoenix, Arizona. Although he was there when the temperature reached over one hundred degrees, he said, “I had a really great time hanging out with my cousins whom I hadn't seen in years. I was able to eat some really good food. One of my favorite things about that trip was going in a self-driving Uber for the first time. Not having anyone in the front seat was a little strange, but it was very cool. It was crazy hot outside but I tried to make the best of it.” This summer was one of the hottest summers in recent times. Despite the scorching temperatures, there was still lots of summer fun to be had (mostly inside). Let us all be thankful for air conditioning and cold treats.
Getting back to school after a long summer break can be challenging. But don’t you worry! This year will be full of events, experiences, memories, and fun. As we struggle through the seemingly endless semester, may we always remember the beautiful times we had this summer as we hold on until the next break.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.