Traveling and studying abroad is one of the best experiences that you can have. Andrews University offers many travel abroad opportunities, such as Adventist College Abroad (ACA), departmental study tours to Europe, South America, and the Middle East, and an archaeological field school with the Behavioral Science department and Seminary to Jordan. This year, Andrews University is offering a short study abroad program. I contacted Aaron Moushon, the organizer of this program. This article will explore more about this program and how to get involved if you are interested in studying and want to integrate into another culture.
Aaron Moushon describes how “the tour is interdisciplinary and offers six different courses.” You can visit here if you would like to learn more about the courses that are offered. Professor Moushon discussed how “this program has two separate locations, [the] United Kingdom and France.” “Our tour is not designed to be a traveling tour,” he said. “Instead, we stay in the same location for three weeks to really immerse ourselves within the community and culture. Since the colleges are near the communities, we get a chance to bond with the locals. At our Newbold location in the UK, we live in a small village, and our students can hang out at the local coffee shops and food vendors, as well as do several community projects. However, our France location offers a more intimate connection with the locals that allows students to participate in various activities. Some of them include performing concerts in the town square, working with local artists in their studios, and doing a community gardening project. What makes this tour unique is that we get to spend more time with the locals and make relationships with them.”
As mentioned above, the study tour is mostly about local engagement and cultural exchange. Professor Moushon describes how “students will live in a community and have a lot more flexibility and free time than other tours that are constantly traveling. It’s less tour and more field school. You will have class in the morning and have your afternoon free to take off to London with friends. Any student can participate in this tour. Most of the courses offered are general education courses, and we even offer topics courses to assist Juniors and Seniors. Since this program is only a three-credit hour tour, it is about half of the cost of any other tour. Students who receive denominational subsidy can receive that for tours. We did a similar tour last year, and our students had a great experience!”
If you have any questions or if you are interested in going you can contact Mr. Moushon at moushona@andrews.edu and you can register and see more details and information about the study at this link.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.