As Andrews University approaches its 150th anniversary in 2024, the Student Movement is taking time to reflect on the existence of Andrews University, including its future and its history. Be on the lookout for features covering all aspects of Andrews University history, starting in these last two issues of the semester and extending through the rest of the school year. Stick around for this upcoming News series to revisit past eras and get to know a little more about the school many of us experience every day. Topics covered will include a range of subjects from the founding of Andrews University's predecessor, Battle Creek College, to information about the school song, to the lives of those iconic campus structures are named after. This year has been full of many major milestones for Andrews. While we wait to see where the future leads us, it is important to reflect on Andrews University’s humble beginnings and learn from the past. Thus, the series begins by tracing Andrews' early years, that have led to the basic identity of Andrews as we know it today. Last week, the first article introduced the founding of Battle Creek College. As the school year continues, there will be many more unique, interesting, and lesser-known tidbits of information about Andrews University, so stay tuned every week for the latest Student Movement issue. Hopefully, after this series is complete, all readers will leave knowing a little bit more about “Our Dear AU*.”
*“Our Dear AU” is the Andrews University school song.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.