While counting down to the new year of 2024, it almost felt unreal that we were already starting a new year when January 2023 seemed like only a moment ago. All cliches aside, time is such a tangible yet intangible concept that often feels like it’s just slipping through our mortal fingers, but when taking a moment to ponder all of the time we have spent, it’s easy to see the loveliness in it and all the lessons realized. When starting a new year, it is always important to reflect on all that you learned in the past to be thankful but also not to repeat past mistakes. Andrews University students were asked to share what they discovered in the year 2023 and how it impacted them.
“In 2023, I learned to stop focusing on what could be and focus on what’s right in front of me. This relates to the word I’d describe the year with: “distracted.” In 2023, I had so much concern for the future and what could happen in a few years if I did something then. I was distracted so much by that concern that I didn’t give much as much attention to the present. It was impossible for me to live in the future though, because that time had not come. This year, I hope to take everything one day at a time and focus on things I can do today in my life.”
Alyssa Caruthers (sophomore, political science and English)
“2023 was a super formative year in many ways. It would be hard to narrow that into a single word or phrase because honestly, too many come to mind. This year meant growth, patience, change, love, understanding, and peace. I would say an overarching theme of this year was appreciation. I have found how gratefulness can bring so much peace and more fulfillment.” Sydney Reeves (senior, speech-language pathology)
“I would describe 2023 as the year of opportunity. I learned to welcome change & embrace opportunity, even if it wasn't what I necessarily had pictured for my year. I got to have a lot of fun and enjoy new experiences because I was always open to trying new things and branching out of what was comfortable to me.” Lucille Borges (junior, speech-language pathology)
“In 2023 I learned how to accept the help and support people in my life offer me and how to ask for that help & support when I need it. My word for 2023 is ‘persistence’ because, despite the challenges I faced throughout the year, I continued working toward my goals and taking care of myself and my loved ones.” Erica Howell (senior, speech-language pathology)
“One word to describe 2023 would be “eventful.” I learned a lot about myself and my resilience. I had the courage to give myself time to explore my options and to figure out my future, and met many new people and situations that expanded my comfort zone.”
Anika Constantino (junior, speech-language pathology)
“I learned in 2023 that what matters most is not that you always meet your goals, but that you continue to try. I’d use the word “progress” because I kept trying my best!”
Nora Martin (senior, psychology and English)
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.