As someone deeply committed to reliable, hard-hitting journalism, I had a strong urge to tackle the Next Big Question: what’s in at Andrews University—and what’s out? The last few months have seen many videos going viral on various social media platforms describing what people’s ins and outs are for 2024. We’re already two months into the year, and so a little behind the trend, but to be late is better than to leave the cultural monolith out of this paper entirely. I spent the last two weeks relentlessly surveying Andrews University students to find out, once and for all, what the collective campus ins and outs are. Here is a partial Andrews University list.
Being hired.
Mariah Carey.
Platform Uggs.
Being assertive.
Open-toed shoes.
Double standards.
Rotting on Tik Tok.
Health and wellness.
Seasonal depression.
Reading more poetry.
Stealing from the cafe.
Getting off-campus more.
Being chalant (not nonchalant).
Keeping Lamson’s bathrooms clean.
Sitting outside to get tan in the summer.
Going to bed too early. Going to bed at 9:00.
Banana yellow pantsuits. They never had their time.
Going on a date to Ikea, because you picture your life together.
Comparing the medieval Bible manuscript to today’s.
Education about AI, because it’s heavily used in marketing—it’s not going away. If you don’t know how to use it, you’ll get left behind.
Salad dressing bottles with more than one seal. I already did the one on the outside! Why is my dressing not coming out!
Long-sleeved shirts that are just a single color. More than just one color is cooler.
Running around Lamson’s third floor at 3 in the morning!!!!!!!
Doors with no visible handles that look like windows.
Recorders. They sound so creepy.
Waiting in the Gazebo line.
Democratic government.
Ranch (dressing).
Gazebo register.
Tight tank tops.
Lamson Hall.
Working out.
Side bangs.
Special thanks to all the interviewees for consenting to be interviewed and for representing all of Andrews University’s student body. Your contribution to this campus’ discourse and debate will never be forgotten.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.