Every five years, the week-long International Pathfinder Camporee is held. The Camporee, which is prepared for over many years, is the largest Seventh-day Adventist youth event. Over 50,000 Pathfinders and their families from across the globe gather in one place to earn honors, spend time with each other, enjoy fun activities, participate in competitions, watch a nightly performance of a Bible story, grow closer to God, and sometimes even get baptized. To many, the experience of attending is worth the high cost and lengthy trip.
Held August 5th through 11th in Gillette, Wyoming, the 2024 Camporee was the first since 1999 not to be located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This was a smooth adjustment until severe storms blew through the town, leaving many without shelter. Many townspeople welcomed those stranded by storms into their homes and provided them with necessary supplies until the Pathfinders could leave. The Executive Advisory Committee advised people to go home a day early due to the threat of stronger storms, which left many disappointed.
I interviewed Danny Frederick, a senior studying computer science, to get the inside scoop on the Camporee experience.
Which Pathfinder group did you attend the camporee with?
The Hinsdale Trailblazers from Hinsdale, Illinois.
Did you have any specific jobs or responsibilities while you were there? Or was this just for fun?
It was originally just going to be for fun but I took on a responsibility to help some Pathfinders finish their Master Guide honors.
How were you feeling leading up to the camporee? What were you most excited about?
I was feeling very excited leading up to the camporee, mostly to see old friends in other clubs but also for the evening program that they put on every night.
What were some of your highlights during the week?
Some of my favorite moments throughout the week were running into people that I had not seen in a long time that I was not expecting to see, as well as playing basketball with some friends and winning games we thought we were going to lose. I also enjoyed watching some of my friends trade pins because pin trading was very competitive this year. The most impactful thing for me, however, was seeing one of my brothers complete his Master Guide requirements and seeing my other brother get baptized.
What were your favorite events? Did you work on any honors?
I did not work on any honors but some of my favorite events were the rodeo, the 3v3 basketball tournament, and the AdventHealth experience.
How did it feel to be a Master Guide at the international pathfinder camporee?
Compared to the previous years that I was a Pathfinder this year as a Master Guide came with a lot more responsibilities. There were many times where I would have to lead a group of Pathfinders because they were young and could not be out on their own. However, it was still enjoyable as I had time for myself to be able to walk around and experience things without having to be a chaperone.
How were you impacted by the storms?
Thankfully my club and I were not impacted too badly by the storms as much as some other groups were. There were a few people who needed new tents after the first storm that hit the camp but thankfully we had extra. Unfortunately, I did not bring the proper clothes for a rainy environment so my clothes got very wet after multiple rain storms and I ended up getting sick.
Do you think you’ll go again next time? Why or why not?
I believe so because it is always an amazing experience even if the weather is not great. I still enjoyed my time there this year and I am sure it will be even better next year.
Would you recommend others to attend the next camporee?
Absolutely because it is an incredible thing being surrounded by so many young Adventists who are passionate about Christ. It really makes you feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself. Meeting so many people from many different countries is an experience that does not come often and I would highly recommend that anyone who has the opportunity to go, even if they are not a Pathfinder, should take that opportunity and see it for themselves.
What was your biggest takeaway from the camporee?
The theme for this camporee was Believe the Promise and I think it is such an important message, especially in this day and age. It always seems like things are getting worse in the world and it is so easy to lose hope in the promise that Jesus is coming again but it is in this time that we have to be even more vigilant. It seems like many young people today are feeling discouraged in God's promises but it was so encouraging to be at the camporee and to see a passion for God that is hard to come across anywhere.
Mark your calendars because the next International Pathfinder Camporee, “Stand Strong” featuring the story of Elijah, will be held August 6-12, 2029!
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.