The Christmas snow begins to fall
as I leave for class.
It covers up Lamson Hall
and buries all the grass.
As I walk, the snow gets in
my shoes and in my socks.
I wish my soles weren’t so thin,
this is quite a shock!
My feet are wet, my feet are cold,
and I start to shake.
This winter thing is getting old,
I long for Christmas break.
The snow has piled to my knees
it’s getting hard to move.
At this rate, I’m going to freeze,
I wish I could remove,
this snow that is preventing me,
from getting to my class.
I’m going to miss Biology!
I’m never going to pass!
The snow is to my waist by now,
my legs are going numb.
I guess I left before they plowed,
How could I be so dumb?
The snow has gotten to my chin,
and I’m only steps away
from the building that my class is in,
on this winter day.
I push through the snow bank,
and stumble to the door
I pull it open with a yank
and then…slip on the floor.
I manage to get to my feet,
and though my body aches,
I hurry off to find a seat
I can’t wait for Christmas break.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.