A monthly event at Andrews University known as the “Service Sabbath” has gained popularity over the past two years, attracting increasing numbers of students to serve their local community while strengthening and sharing their faith. The initiative, organized by the Center for Faith Engagement (CFE) and directed by Teela Ruehle, seeks to create a time in which students can use their Saturday afternoons to serve others and offer their time and talents to spread the love of God.
Initially a small initiative, the program has exceeded expectations since its establishment two years ago. It now receives between 45 and 50 participants each month, making a significant and unique impact in connecting students with their community. Service projects rotate between volunteering with Benton Harbor ministries, homeless ministries and nursing home visits.
“Our students have built good relationships with the seniors,” Ruehle said. “They love the music, ice cream socials and games we bring.”
Two students, Erika Cabezas (senior, psychology) and Antonia Hess (senior, nursing), shared their personal perspectives on the service events.
“Usually, on Saturday afternoons, people like to take long naps, but Service Sabbath has helped students to think beyond themselves, serve and connect with others,” said Cabezas.
Hess added, “What I like most about this is that I can go into the community and serve with friends, making it much more fun. Not to mention that going out and serving others helps you navigate your faith from a more empathetic angle.”
The last Service Sabbath this semester will be Saturday, Dec. 7, where students will wrap Christmas presents for kids with Our House of the Way ministry.
“It’s a beautiful way for students to spend a few hours on Sabbath sharing some love and encouragement with our community and a great way for them to fellowship with each other,” Ruehle said. “With finals approaching, we know the number will be smaller, but we encourage everyone to go out.”
For more information, students can contact chaplains, visit the @universityfaith Instagram page or stop by the CFE office.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.