Executive Director, Undergraduate
Recruitment & Admissions
Phone (call us): 269-471-3611
Phone (text us): 269-280-4943
Email: undergrad@andrews.edu
Vice President for Strategy, Marketing &
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Phone: 269-471-6702
Email: bordes@andrews.edu
Assistant to the VP
Phone: 269-471-3358
Email: hakobyane@andrews.edu
Thank you for visiting our page. Whether you’re thinking about joining the Andrews University family or just curious about what’s happening here, you’ve come to the right place. The Marketing & Enrollment Management team is ready to serve you, so scroll on down and connect with us.
Executive Director, Undergraduate
Recruitment & Admissions
Phone (call us): 269-471-3611
Phone (text us): 269-280-4943
Email: undergrad@andrews.edu
Manager of Undergraduate
Enrollment Counseling
Phone (call us): 269-471-6323
Phone (text us): 269-280-4943
Email: sderegister@andrews.edu
Senior Enrollment Counselor
Phone (call us): 269-471-6036
Phone (text us): 269-280-4943
Email: enrollcounselor3@andrews.edu
Undergraduate Transfer Admissions Counselor
Phone (call us): 269-471-3870
Phone (text us): 269-280-4943
Email: transfers@andrews.edu
Web: andrews.edu/go/transfer
Enrollment Counselor
Recruiter for Freshman students
Phone (call us): 269-471-6718
Phone (text us): 269-280-4943
Email: enrollcounselor2@andrews.edu
Director, Graduate Enrollment
Phone: 269-471-6321
Email: graduate@andrews.edu
Graduate Enrollment Coordinator
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Health & Human Services
SDA Theological Seminary
Phone: 269-471-6188
Email: graduate@andrews.edu
Graduate Enrollment Coordinator
College of Education & International Services
College of Professions
Phone: 269-471-6553
Email: graduate@andrews.edu
Graduate Enrollment Coordinator
SDA Theological Seminary
Phone: 269-471-3251
Email: graduate@andrews.edu
International Credential Associate
Email: ICO@andrews.edu / injae@andrews.edu
Enrollment Mktg Communication Manager
Phone: 269-471-6345
Email: stocklermar@andrews.edu
Enrollment Mktg Communication Associate
Phone: 269-471-6509
Email: simoescorre@andrews.edu
Customer Relationship
Management Administrator
Phone: 269-471-6296
Email: linette@andrews.edu
Director of Student Visits
Phone (call us): 269-471-3059
Phone (text us): 269-471-4339
Email: shelly@andrews.edu
Student Visits Coordinator
Phone (call us): 269-471-6049
Phone (text us): 269-471-4339
Email: visit@andrews.edu
Chief Marketing Officer
Phone: 269-471-3354
Email: tonyy@andrews.edu
Assistant Director, Strategic Marketing
Phone: 269-471-3609
Email: seidelp@andrews.edu
Director, Office of University Communication
Phone: 269-471-6537
Email: boyd@andrews.edu
Communication Manager & FOCUS Editor
Phone: 269-471-3348
Email: panigotg@andrews.edu
Art Director/Contract Designer
Email: jefferyj@andrews.edu
Web Communications Manager
Phone: 269-471-6571
Email: strack@andrews.edu
Web Programmer
Phone: 269-471-6313
Email: ptrine@andrews.edu
Photographer/Web Maintenance
Phone: 269-471-3316
Email: heslop@andrews.edu
Senior Design Manager
Phone: 269-471-6032
Email: elliscen@andrews.edu
Communication Coordinator
Phone: 269-471-3345
Email: koh@andrews.edu
Contact us
9 a.m to 5 p.m (Monday – Thursday)
9 a.m to 12 noon (Friday)
Visits: visit@andrews.edu
Undergraduate: undergrad@andrews.edu
Graduate: graduate@andrews.edu
Marketing: mem@andrews.edu
Social Media: socialmedia@andrews.edu
Web: web@andrews.edu
Public Relations: pr@andrews.edu
Undergraduate Enrollment
Andrews University
4150 Administration Dr
Berrien Springs MI 49104-0740
Graduate Enrollment
Andrews University
4150 Administration Dr
Berrien Springs MI 49104-0620
University Communication
Griggs Hall A
8903 US Hwy 31
Berrien Springs MI 49104-1000