A WORD FROM STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES: Your application was selected for review in a process called “Verification.” In this process, we will be comparing information from your application with the appropriate Federal Tax Return, and/or with W2s or other financial documents. The U.S. Dept. of Education requires us to collect this information before awarding federal aid. If there are differences between your application information and your financial documents, corrections may need to be made to your FAFSA. Complete this form and submit it to the Office of Student Financial Services as soon as possible to ensure prompt processing. Warning: If you purposely give false or misleading information on this sheet, you may be fined, and/or be sentenced to jail by the federal government.
If FTI is pulled in, the FAFSA contributor (student and/or parent) is then given the opportunity to manually update the family size if it has changed since filing the applicable tax return. However, the contributor cannot see what family size was reported from the FA-DDX, as the transferred FTI is masked.
When the FAFSA contributor manually enters the family size, they are instructed as follows:
Q: Were you required to provide parent information on the FAFSA?
A: NO. Then you are classified as Independent. Include the following people in the box:
NOTE: | The provided criteria for "dependent children" or "other persons" aligns with the requirement that family size aligns with whom the student could claim as dependent on a US tax return if the student were to file a US tax return at the time of completing the FAFSA. As a result, the student should not include any unborn children in the family size. |
B. YES. Then you are classified as Dependent. Include the following people in the box:
NOTE: | The provided criteria for "dependent children" or "other persons" aligns with the requirement that family size aligns with whom the parent could claim as a dependent on a US tax return if the parent were to file a US tax return at the time of completing the FAFSA. As a result, the parent should not include any unborn children in the family size. |
To determine who is considered a parent contributor for purposes of this form, see below:
As part of federal student aid eligibility, students and spouses (as appropriate), will be required to consent and approve sharing and importing income and tax information from the IRS to the FAFSA form, even if the attempt to obtain or use such data is ineffective. In other words, if the student and spouse filed separate 2023 IRS income tax returns, both must provide consent and approval to share and import income and tax information form the IRS.
If 2023 income tax return information for the student or spouse, (if applicable) was not available or could not be used, the student should provide the institution with a 2023 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) or a signed copy of the 2023 income tax return and applicable schedules.
A 2023 IRS Tax Return Transcript may be obtained at Tax Return Transcript online or by calling 1-800-908-9946 and requesting a copy to be mailed. You may also need to submit copies of all W-2s and/or 1099 forms for 2023.
As part of federal student aid eligibility, parents will be required to consent and approve sharing and importing income and tax information from the IRS to the FAFSA form, even if the attempt to obtain or use such data is ineffective. In other words, if the parents filed separate 2023 IRS income tax returns, both must provide consent and approval to share and import income and tax information form the IRS.
If 2023 income tax return information for the parents was not available or could not be used, the parents should provide the institution with a 2023 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) or a signed copy of the 2023 income tax return and applicable schedules.
A 2023 IRS Tax Return Transcript may be obtained at Tax Return Transcript online or by calling 1-800-908-9946 and requesting a copy to be mailed. You may also need to submit copies of all W-2s and/or 1099 forms for 2023.
An individual who is required to file a 2023 IRS income tax return and has been granted a filing extension by the IRS beyond the automatic six-month extension for tax year 2023, must provide:
FOREIGN, US TERRITORY, OR COMMONWEALTH RESIDENTS: Please submit a copy of your 2023 tax transcript. If no taxes were filed, we can accept a Wage & Tax Statement or its equivalent from each employer indicating total income earned and taxes paid during January through December 2023.
As part of federal student aid eligibility, students and spouses (as appropriate), will be required to consent and approve sharing and importing income and tax information from the IRS to the FAFSA form, even if the attempt to obtain or use such data is ineffective. In other words, if the student and spouse filed separate 2022 IRS income tax returns, both must provide consent and approval to share and import income and tax information form the IRS.
If 2022 income tax return information for the student or spouse, (if applicable) was not available or could not be used, the student should provide the institution with a 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) or a signed copy of the 2022 income tax return and applicable schedules.
A 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcript may be obtained at Tax Return Transcript online or by calling 1-800-908-9946 and requesting a copy to be mailed. You may also need to submit copies of all W-2s and/or 1099 forms for 2022.
As part of federal student aid eligibility, parents will be required to consent and approve sharing and importing income and tax information from the IRS to the FAFSA form, even if the attempt to obtain or use such data is ineffective. In other words, if the parents filed separate 2022 IRS income tax returns, both must provide consent and approval to share and import income and tax information form the IRS.
If 2022 income tax return information for the parents was not available or could not be used, the parents should provide the institution with a 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcript(s) or a signed copy of the 2022 income tax return and applicable schedules.
A 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcript may be obtained at Tax Return Transcript online or by calling 1-800-908-9946 and requesting a copy to be mailed. You may also need to submit copies of all W-2s and/or 1099 forms for 2022.
An individual who is required to file a 2022 IRS income tax return and has been granted a filing extension by the IRS beyond the automatic six-month extension for tax year 2022, must provide:
FOREIGN, US TERRITORY, OR COMMONWEALTH RESIDENTS: Please submit a copy of your 2022 tax transcript. If no taxes were filed, we can accept a Wage & Tax Statement or its equivalent from each employer indicating total income earned and taxes paid during January through December 2022.